Samantha Krezinski
An interspiritual scholar-practitioner, Samantha carries a deep passion for her work. She received her Bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point in English and Philosophy with an emphasis in Religious Studies and went on to earn her Master’s Degree in Contemplative Religions, under the supervision of Netanel Miles-Yépez, from Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado.
She brings a background of administration and support to our Charis team, having supported CEOs and Presidents in various fields, including executive coaching, Catholic school systems (4K–12), and public and private universities. This combined with her general outlook on life, refers to this part of her role as spiritual administration—bringing mindfulness into the mundane of databases and paperwork.
She is also a Charis Circle facilitator and currently runs an Interspiritual Sacred Scripture Study. In her own words, “I am undeniably interspiritual.” She was actively raised in the Catholic faith, and was blessed to be introduced to many different religions early in life. She saw connections and overlaps between them which not only led her on her path of study, but a deeper personal understanding and practice of the Divine that surrounds us. With roots in Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism, Samantha dwells in the space between the labels with a deep respect for the traditions and lineages of her teachers and all traditions.