Keating-Schachter Center for Interspirituality

“From an ecological perspective, every religion is like a vital organ of the planet; and for the planet’s sake, each must remain healthy, functioning well in concert with the others for the health of the greater body.”
— Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi
“All who seek to participate in Ultimate Reality are united in the same fundamental search. They relate to all of genuine value in every spiritual path. They resonate to human values wherever they can be found, whether in religions, science, art, friendship or service to others.”
— Father Thomas Keating
The Keating-Schachter Center for Interspirituality was established to support the study of the world’s wisdom traditions in higher education.
It honors the interspiritual legacies of Father Thomas Keating (1923-2018) and Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi (1924-2014)—two of the most significant spiritual teachers of the past hundred years, pioneers in interreligious dialogue, and mentors to Charis’ founders.
The Keating-Schachter Center organizes interspiritual residencies, classes, dialogues, retreats, and other learning opportunities, as well as gatherings with presidents, deans, and university-wide stakeholders to facilitate broad educational change. Our flagship center can be found at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado.
The Keating-Schachter Center works to secure the spiritual legacies of Father Thomas Keating and Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi in Christian Centering Prayer and Jewish Renewal, providing opportunities for further learning each year.

“Look at the beaming eyes and smiles of Father Keating and Rabbi Schachter and that is all you need to know about this new Center in their honor. A contemplative soul is a joyful soul, empowered for the demanding work our times require, work that flows from a deep place of both solitude and caring. May this center and all who attend it radiate with joy and justice and courage.”
— Father Matthew Fox