Our Team & Partners

Charis Executive Team

Rory McEntee
Charis Foundation President;Executive Director;
Board Member

Netanel Miles-Yépez
Charis Foundation President;Co-Founder;
Board Member

Samantha Krezinski
Charis Vice-President of Operations;Ex Officio Board Member

Alejandra Warden
Director of Charis CirclesCharis Board Member;
Partner in Charis Interspiritual Formation;
Partner in Charis Circles
Charis Advisory & Executive Boards

Pannavati Bhikkuni
Charis Advisory Board;Partner in Charis Interpiritual Formation Program

Brenda Salgado
Charis Advisory Board;Partner in the Charis Snowmass Dialogues

Joshin Byrnes
Charis Advisory Board;Partner in Charis Interpiritual Formation Program

Chris Maddox
Charis Advisory Board;Partner in the Charis Snowmass Dialogues

Tricia McEntee
Charis Advisory Board
Deepa Patel
Charis Advisory Board;Partner in the Charis Snowmass Dialogues

Edward W. Bastian
Charis Advisory Board;Partner in the Thomas Keating Interspiritual Seminars

Anna Wolfe
Charis Advisory Board
Jamelah N. Zidan
Charis’ JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion) Consultant
Carson Warden
Charis Board Secretary;Charis Legal Advisor

Allison DeHart
Charis Board Member
Yasha S. Wagner
Charis Board MemberOur Partners
Fetzer Institute
We are honored to work closely with The Fetzer Institute in Kalamazoo, Michigan, on its Shared Sacred Story project, as well as their Sharing Our Spiritual Heritage projects.

Naropa University
We are excited to be partnering with Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado, developing new interspiritual opportunities for students and staff through the Keating-Schachter Center for Interspirituality.
Spiritual Paths Institute
We are proud to collaborate on the Thomas Keating Interspiritual Seminars and publishing projects with the Spiritual Paths Institute of Santa Barbara, California.

All Souls Interfaith Gathering
We are thrilled to be working with All Souls Interfaith Gathering in Shelburne, Vermont, on the Thomas Keating Interspiritual Seminars and Charis Snowmass Dialogues.
Kalliopeia Foundation
We are also honored to receive support for various Charis initiatives from the beautiful souls at Kalliopeia Foundation in San Rafael, California.

InterWorld Institute
We are proud to team up on the HeartFire Festivals, held at different venues
nation-wide, with InterWorld Institute at InterWorld EcoVillage in Ellicott, Colorado.
St Benedict’s Monastery
We are please to continue our long relationship with the Retreat House of St. Benedict’s Monastery is in Snowmass, Colorado, the home of the late Father Thomas Keating, where we hold yearly retreats for our Charis Circles training.

The Desert Foundation
We are grateful for our long-standing relationship with Tessa Bielecki and David Denny of The Desert Foundation in Tucson, Arizona, for sharing their 50 years of monastic experience with us.
Mepkin Abbey
We are grateful to Mepkin Abbey in Moncks Corner, South Carolina, for exploring interspirituality with us, and hosting numerous retreats for our Charis Snowmas Dialogues over the years.

Osage–Forest of Peace
We are grateful to Osage Forest of Peace in San Springs, Oklahoma, for continuing its tradition of dialogue and hosting numerous retreats for our Charis Snowmas Dialogues over the years.
The Abode of the Message
We are grateful to The Abode of the Message in New Lebanon, New York, for hosting retreats and HeartFire Festivals.