VI. “Spiritual Community: Wisdom Council III”

Mepkin Abbey, Moncks Corner, South Carolina (October 2-7, 2019)

In our sixth dialogue-retreat, we brought together a cross-section of spiritual leaders, activists, and concerned individuals to dialogue on the topic of ‘spiritual community,’ looking at the structures and values that have supported the healthiest manifestations of such communities across traditions throughout history and across cultures, as well as how we live in community today and the problems we face. This dialogue was the third in a four-part Wisdom Council series, which serves as a basis for the development of our interspiritual formation process.


Guerric Heckel

Roberto Henderson-Espinoza

Chris Maddox

Alison McCrary

James Meadows

Rory McEntee,

Netanel Miles-Yépez,

Deepa Patel,

Brenda Salgado

Jamelah Zidan

* Participant-Observer